Error code 12031 in Ajax enabled wcf on JQuery call

Error code 12031
This article explains how to resolve this error code 12031 in ajax enabled wcf service. I have the below service and code for calling wcf.

WCF Service

namespace WCFBAL
 public class Employee
 public int EmpID;
 public string Name;
 public int Salary;
 public DateTime JoiningDate;
 [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]
 [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = 

 public class WCFBALService
 [WebInvoke(Method = "POST")]
 public Employee GetEmpInfo(int mEmpID)
 //suppose you have a list of employee like as in the database
 List lst = new List() 
 new Employee { EmpID = 1, Name = "Deepak", Salary = 12000, JoiningDate = 
 Convert.ToDateTime("11/05/2011") },

 new Employee { EmpID = 2, Name = "Mohan", Salary = 18000},
 new Employee { EmpID = 3, Name = "Mohan", JoiningDate = 

  Convert.ToDateTime("06/10/2011") }
 var q = lst.Where(m => m.EmpID == mEmpID).FirstOrDefault();
 Employee mobjEmp = new Employee();
 if (q != null)
 mobjEmp.EmpID = q.EmpID;
 mobjEmp.Name = q.Name;
mobjEmp.Salary = q.Salary; // comment this line to expect same error 
 //The no error will be raised since "Salary" field is of int type and 
  default value of int variable is "0", so zero value will be assigned to it. 
 mobjEmp.JoiningDate = q.JoiningDate; 
  // comment this line and provide mEmpID=1 to raise error 
 //The error will be raised since "JoiningDate" field is not being serialized because
 //this of DateTime and this has no default value and not assign any value to it.
 return mobjEmp;
 catch (Exception mex)
 return null;

WCF Service Method Calling Code 

<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
      <script type="text/javascript">
     $('#btn').live('click', function () {
     // debugger;
     var value = $('#txtEmpID').val();
     if (value != '') {
     var strJSONFilterCriteria = '{"mEmpID":"' + value + '"}';
     $.ajax({ type: "POST", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
     url: '<%=ViewState["WCFBalUrl"]%>' + '/GetEmpInfo',
     data: strJSONFilterCriteria,
     dataType: "json",
     error: function (msg) {
     // debugger;
     alert('Service call failed: ' + msg.status + ' Type :' + msg.statusText);
     success: function (msg) {
     var str = "Emp ID:" + msg.d.EmpID + "\n";
     str += "Emp Name:" + msg.d.Name + "\n";
     str += "Emp Salary:" + msg.d.Salary + "\n";
     //str += "JoiningDate:" + new Date(parseInt(msg.d.JoiningDate.substr(6))) + "\n";
     } }); }
     return false;
     WCF Error Code 12031
     Learn more about Complete .Net Tutorials visit<a href=""
     title="Complete .Net Tutorials"></a>.
     Enter Employee ID (1-3)
     <asp:TextBox ID="txtEmpID" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static"></asp:TextBox>
      <asp:Button ID="btn" runat="server" Text="Get Info" ClientIDMode="Static" />

Error code 12031


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